Junior Climbing Club

Weekly Club for those 9 and up

General Info

JCC is an opportunity to climb with other smart and strong climbers who have similar goals. Only those aged 9-12 who have passed all other levels or those aged 12-17 who have learned to belay before the program starts.

JCC is for those who are serious about climbing, with the goal of becoming one of the best climbers in the area. This class’ main focus is getting stronger and smarter in order to climb better.

It takes place every Friday, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm

*Drop-in climbing is not included. Please purchase drop-in passes from the BSRC front desk & check in before climbing.

Price: $75+GST per month

The first month can be paid for in person or online. After that an EFT contract will be set where payment is withdrawn on the first of the month.

If you have any questions, send us an email (info@thearchbeaumont.com) or give us a call (780-737-1418)!